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Before we can create a new tag we have to update the following files, so that they contain the correct version for the new Docker image:

  • hub Chart.yaml: Update the appVersion field and bump the version field in the Helm chart for the hub.
  • hub values.yaml: Set the new tag in the kobs.image.tag value in the Helm chart for the hub.
  • hub deployment.yaml: Update the Docker image in the Kustomize deployment file for the hub.
  • satellite Chart.yaml: Update the appVersion field and bump the version field in the Helm chart for the satellite.
  • satellite values.yaml: Set the new tag in the kobs.image.tag value in the Helm chart for the satellite.
  • satellite deployment.yaml: Update the Docker image in the Kustomize deployment file for the satellite.
  • Update the table with the Helm values for the hub and satellite, so that it contains the new value for the image.tag.

Now we can publish the created draft release, which is automatically updated by the Release GitHub Action. When we create the GitHub release the Create a discussion for this release should be checked, and the discussion should be created in the Announcements category.

Publish NPM Packages

In the next step we have to publish a new version for our NPM packages. To do that we have to run the following commands, where <version> should be replaced with the version which was just created:

yarn build
npx lerna publish <version> --force-publish --no-changelog --no-git-tag-version --no-private --no-push
git restore .


To check if we are using the correct user to publish the packages we can run npm whoami and npm adduser to use the correct one.

If publishing fails with a message like lerna ERR! E402 You must sign up for private packages we have to run npm config set access public.

Publish new Templates

Once the release in the kobsio/kobs repository was created, we have to publish a new version for our templates:

The version numbers used in the template should follow the versioning of the kobsio/kobs repository.