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Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes, and you can read detailed background information in the CNCF Helm Project Journey report.

Install the Helm Charts

To install kobs using Helm you have to add our Helm repository:

helm repo add kobs
helm repo list

When you have added the Helm repository, you can install the kobs cluster, hub and watcher via the following commands:

helm install kobs kobs/kobs

Update the Helm Charts

To update the Helm repository and to show all available versions of the Helm chart, you can run the following commands:

helm repo update
helm search repo -l kobs/

To update your deployed Helm chart run:

helm upgrade --install kobs kobs/kobs


Value Description Default
nameOverride Expand the name of the chart. ""
fullnameOverride Override the name of the app. ""
global.imagePullSecrets Specify a list of image pull secrets, to avoid the DockerHub rate limit or to pull the kobs/enovy image from a private registry. []
global.image.repository The repository for the Docker image. kobsio/kobs
global.image.tag The tag of the Docker image which should be used. ""
global.image.pullPolicy The image pull policy for the Docker image. IfNotPresent
config.hub The configuration file for the hub
config.watcher The configuration file for the watcher
config.cluster The configuration file for the cluster
hub.enabled Enable the hub deployment. true
hub.replicas Number of replicas for the kobs Deployment. 1
hub.podSecurityContext Specify security settings for the created Pods. To set the security settings for the kobs or envoy Container use the corresponding securityContext field. {}
hub.securityContext Specify security settings for the kobs Container. They override settings made at the Pod level via the podSecurityContext when there is overlap. {}
hub.resources Set cpu and memory requests and limits for the kobs container. {}
hub.nodeSelector Specify a map of key-value pairs, to assign the Pods to a specific set of nodes. {}
hub.tolerations Specify the tolerations for the kobs Pods. []
hub.affinity Specify a node affinity or inter-pod affinity / anti-affinity for an advanced scheduling of the kobs Pods. {}
hub.topologySpreadConstraints Topology spread constraints rely on node labels to identify the topology domain(s) that each Node is in. []
hub.volumes Specify additional volumes for the kobs deployment. []
hub.volumeMounts Specify additional volumeMounts for the kobs container. []
hub.env Set additional environment variables for the kobs container. []
hub.envFrom Set additional environment variables for the kobs container from a Secret or ConfigMap. []
hub.podAnnotations Specify additional annotations for the created Pods. {}
hub.podLabels Specify additional labels for the created Pods. {}
hub.service.type Set the type for the created Service: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. ClusterIP
hub.service.annotations Specify additional annotations for the created Service. {}
hub.service.labels Specify additional labels for the created Service. {}
hub.podDisruptionBudget Specifies if PodDisruptionBudget should be enabled. {}
hub.networkPolicy.enabled Enable the creation of a NetworkPolicy for kobs. false
hub.networkPolicy.ingressRules Ingress rules to allow / deny traffic from. [{}]
hub.networkPolicy.egressRules Egress rules to allow / deny traffic to. [{}]
hub.ingress.enabled Create an Ingress to expose kobs. false
hub.ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the ingress. {}
hub.ingress.hosts Hosts to use for the ingress. []
hub.ingress.tls TLS configuration for the ingress. []
hub.istio.virtualService.enabled Specifies whether a VirtualService should be created. false
hub.istio.virtualService.annotations Annotations to add to the VirtualService. {}
hub.istio.virtualService.labels Labels to add to the VirtualService. {}
hub.istio.virtualService.gateways A list of gateways for the VirtualService. []
hub.istio.virtualService.hosts A list of hosts for the VirtualService. []
hub.istio.virtualService.timeout Timeout for API requests. 300s
hub.istio.virtualService.headers Modify the headers in the VirtualService. {}
hub.istio.virtualService.additionalRoutes A list of additional routes for the VirtualService. []
hub.serviceMonitor.enabled Create a Service Monitor for kobs. false
hub.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
hub.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
hub.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels for the the Service Monitor. {}
hub.serviceMonitor.honorLabels Chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels. false
hub.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metric relabel config. []
hub.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabel config. []
watcher.enabled Enable the watcher deployment. true
watcher.replicas Number of replicas for the kobs Deployment. 1
watcher.podSecurityContext Specify security settings for the created Pods. To set the security settings for the kobs or envoy Container use the corresponding securityContext field. {}
watcher.securityContext Specify security settings for the kobs Container. They override settings made at the Pod level via the podSecurityContext when there is overlap. {}
watcher.resources Set cpu and memory requests and limits for the kobs container. {}
watcher.nodeSelector Specify a map of key-value pairs, to assign the Pods to a specific set of nodes. {}
watcher.tolerations Specify the tolerations for the kobs Pods. []
watcher.affinity Specify a node affinity or inter-pod affinity / anti-affinity for an advanced scheduling of the kobs Pods. {}
watcher.topologySpreadConstraints Topology spread constraints rely on node labels to identify the topology domain(s) that each Node is in. []
watcher.volumes Specify additional volumes for the kobs deployment. []
watcher.volumeMounts Specify additional volumeMounts for the kobs container. []
watcher.env Set additional environment variables for the kobs container. []
watcher.envFrom Set additional environment variables for the kobs container from a Secret or ConfigMap. []
watcher.podAnnotations Specify additional annotations for the created Pods. {}
watcher.podLabels Specify additional labels for the created Pods. {}
watcher.service.type Set the type for the created Service: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. ClusterIP
watcher.service.annotations Specify additional annotations for the created Service. {}
watcher.service.labels Specify additional labels for the created Service. {}
watcher.serviceMonitor.enabled Create a Service Monitor for kobs. false
watcher.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
watcher.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
watcher.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels for the the Service Monitor. {}
watcher.serviceMonitor.honorLabels Chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels. false
watcher.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metric relabel config. []
watcher.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabel config. []
cluster.enabled Enable the cluster deployment. true
cluster.replicas Number of replicas for the kobs Deployment. 1
cluster.podSecurityContext Specify security settings for the created Pods. To set the security settings for the kobs or envoy Container use the corresponding securityContext field. {}
cluster.securityContext Specify security settings for the kobs Container. They override settings made at the Pod level via the podSecurityContext when there is overlap. {}
cluster.resources Set cpu and memory requests and limits for the kobs container. {}
cluster.nodeSelector Specify a map of key-value pairs, to assign the Pods to a specific set of nodes. {}
cluster.tolerations Specify the tolerations for the kobs Pods. []
cluster.affinity Specify a node affinity or inter-pod affinity / anti-affinity for an advanced scheduling of the kobs Pods. {}
cluster.topologySpreadConstraints Topology spread constraints rely on node labels to identify the topology domain(s) that each Node is in. []
cluster.volumes Specify additional volumes for the kobs deployment. []
cluster.volumeMounts Specify additional volumeMounts for the kobs container. []
cluster.env Set additional environment variables for the kobs container. []
cluster.envFrom Set additional environment variables for the kobs container from a Secret or ConfigMap. []
cluster.podAnnotations Specify additional annotations for the created Pods. {}
cluster.podLabels Specify additional labels for the created Pods. {}
cluster.service.type Set the type for the created Service: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. ClusterIP
cluster.service.annotations Specify additional annotations for the created Service. {}
cluster.service.labels Specify additional labels for the created Service. {}
cluster.serviceAccount.enabled Specifies whether a service account should be created. true
cluster.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. {} The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template ""
cluster.rbac.enabled Specifies whether a cluster role and cluster role binding should be created. true The name of the cluster role and cluster role binding to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. ""
cluster.podDisruptionBudget Specifies if PodDisruptionBudget should be enabled. {}
cluster.networkPolicy.enabled Enable the creation of a NetworkPolicy for kobs. false
cluster.networkPolicy.ingressRules Ingress rules to allow / deny traffic from. [{}]
cluster.networkPolicy.egressRules Egress rules to allow / deny traffic to. [{}]
cluster.ingress.enabled Create an Ingress to expose kobs. false
cluster.ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the ingress. {}
cluster.ingress.hosts Hosts to use for the ingress. []
cluster.ingress.tls TLS configuration for the ingress. []
cluster.istio.virtualService.enabled Specifies whether a VirtualService should be created. false
cluster.istio.virtualService.annotations Annotations to add to the VirtualService. {}
cluster.istio.virtualService.labels Labels to add to the VirtualService. {}
cluster.istio.virtualService.gateways A list of gateways for the VirtualService. []
cluster.istio.virtualService.hosts A list of hosts for the VirtualService. []
cluster.istio.virtualService.timeout Timeout for API requests. 300s
cluster.istio.virtualService.headers Modify the headers in the VirtualService. {}
cluster.istio.virtualService.additionalRoutes A list of additional routes for the VirtualService. []
cluster.serviceMonitor.enabled Create a Service Monitor for kobs. false
cluster.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
cluster.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended. Fallback to the Prometheus default unless specified.
cluster.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels for the the Service Monitor. {}
cluster.serviceMonitor.honorLabels Chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels. false
cluster.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metric relabel config. []
cluster.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabel config. []