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The klogs plugin can be used together with the kobsio/klogs output plugin for Fluent Bit. You can then use the specified Query Syntax to get the logs from ClickHouse.



The following config can be used to grant kobs access to a ClickHouse instance running at clickhouse-clickhouse.logging.svc.cluster.local:9000, where the logs are save in a database named logs. To access ClickHouse the user admin with the password admin is used.

    - name: klogs
      description: Fast, scalable and reliable logging using Fluent Bit, Kafka and ClickHouse.
      address: clickhouse-clickhouse.logging.svc.cluster.local:9000
      database: logs
      username: admin
      password: admin
Field Type Description Required
name string Name of the ClickHouse instance. Yes
displayName string Name of the ClickHouse as it is shown in the UI. Yes
description string Description of the ClickHouse instance. No
home boolean When this is true the plugin will be added to the home page. No
address string Address of the ClickHouse instance. Yes
username string Username to access a ClickHouse instance. No
password string Password to access a ClickHouse instance. No
materializedColumns []string A list of materialized columns. See kobsio/klogs for more information. No


The following options can be used for a panel with the klogs plugin:

Field Type Description Required
type string Set the type which should be used to visualize your logs. This can be logs or aggregation. Yes
queries []Query A list of queries, which can be selected by the user. This is only required for type logs. Yes
aggregation Aggregation Options for the aggregation. This is only required for type aggregation. Yes


Field Type Description Required
name string A name for the klogs query, which is displayed in the select box. Yes
query string The query which should be run against ClickHouse. See Query Syntax for more information on the syntax. Yes
fields []string A list of fields to display in the results table. If this field is omitted, the whole document is displayed in the results table. This field is only available for the logs. No
order string Order for the returned logs. Must be ascending or descending. The default value for this field is descending. No
orderBy string The name of the field, by which the results should be orderd. The default value for this field is timestamp. No
kind: Dashboard
    - size: -1
        - title: Istio Logs
          colSpan: 12
            name: klogs
              type: logs
                - name: Istio Logs
                  query: "namespace='bookinfo' _and_ app='bookinfo' _and_ container_name='istio-proxy' _and_ content.upstream_cluster~'inbound.*'"
                    - "pod_name"
                    - "content.authority"
                    - "content.route_name"
                    - "content.protocol"
                    - "content.method"
                    - "content.path"
                    - "content.response_code"
                    - "content.upstream_service_time"
                    - "content.bytes_received"
                    - "content.bytes_sent"


Field Type Description Required
query string The query, which should be used for the aggregation. Yes
chart string The visualization type for the aggregation. This can be pie, bar, line or area. Yes
options Aggregation Options Options for the aggregation. Yes

The following dashboard, shows an example of how to use aggregations within a dashboard:

kind: Dashboard
  name: logs
  namespace: kobs
  title: Logs
  description: The dashboard shows some examples of aggregation based on logs.
    - size: 3
        - title: Number of Logs per App
          colSpan: 6
            name: klogs
              type: aggregation
                query: "cluster='kobs-demo'"
                chart: bar
                  horizontalAxisOperation: top
                  horizontalAxisField: app
                  horizontalAxisOrder: descending
                  horizontalAxisLimit: "10"
                  verticalAxisOperation: count
        - title: Log Levels for MyApplication
          colSpan: 6
            name: klogs
              type: aggregation
                query: "cluster='kobs-demo' _and_ app='myapplication' _and_ container_name='myapplication'"
                chart: pie
                  sliceBy: content.level
                  sizeByOperation: count
    - size: 3
        - title: Request Duration for MyApplication by Response Code
          colSpan: 12
            name: klogs
              type: aggregation
                query: "cluster='kobs-demo' _and_ app='myapplication' _and_ container_name='istio-proxy' _and_ content.response_code>0"
                chart: line
                  horizontalAxisOperation: time
                  verticalAxisOperation: avg
                  verticalAxisField: content.duration
                    - content.response_code

Aggregation Example

Aggregation Options

Field Type Description Required
sliceBy string Field which should be used for slicing in a pie chart. No
sizeByOperation string Operation to size the slices. This can be count, min, max, sum or avg. No
sizeByField string When the sizeByOperation is min, max, sum or avg, this must be the name of a field for the sizing of the slices. No
horizontalAxisOperation string The operation for the chart. This must be time or top. No
horizontalAxisField string The name of the field for the horizontal axis. No
horizontalAxisOrder string The order of the top values. Must be ascending or descending. No
horizontalAxisLimit string The maximum number of top values, which should be shown. No
verticalAxisOperation string The operation for the vertical axis. This can be count, min, max, sum or avg. No
verticalAxisField string When the verticalAxisOperation is min, max, sum or avg, this must be the name of a field for the vertical axis. No
breakDownByFields []string A list of field names, which should be used to break down the data. No
breakDownByFilters []string A list of filters, which should be used to break down the data. No

Query Syntax


kobs supports multiple operators which can be used in a query to retrieve logs from ClickHouse:

Operator Description Example
( and ) Multiple terms or clauses can be grouped together with parentheses, to form sub-queries. cluster='kobs-demo' _and_ (namespace='bookinfo' _or_ namespace='istio-system')
_not_ Exclude the term from the query. cluster='kobs-demo' _and_ _not_ namespace='bookinfo'
_and_ Both terms must be included in the results. namespace='bookinfo' _and_ app='bookinfo'
_or_ The result can contain one of the given terms. namespace='bookinfo' _or_ namespace='istio-system'
_exists_ The field can not be null container_name='istio-proxy' _and_ _exists_ content.request_id
= The field must have this value. namespace='bookinfo'
!= The field should not have this value. namespace!='bookinfo'
> The value of the field must be greater than the specified value. content.response_code>499
>= The value of the field must be greater than or equal to the specified value. content.response_code>=500
< The value of the field must be lower than the specified value. content.response_code<500
<= The value of the field must be lower than or equal to the specified value. content.response_code<=499
=~ The value of the field is compared using ILIKE. content.upstream_cluster=~'inbound%'
!~ The value of the field is compared using NOT ILIKE. content.upstream_cluster!~'inbound%'
~ The value of the field must match the regular expression. The syntax of the re2 regular expressions can be found here. content.upstream_cluster~'inbound.*'

Default Fields

In the following you can find a list of fields which are available for each log line. Consider to filter you logs by these fields, to keep your queries fast:

  • timestamp: The timestamp for when the log line was written.
  • cluster: The name of the cluster as it is set by Fluent Bit.
  • namespace: The namespace of the Pod.
  • app: The value of the app or k8s-app label of the Pod.
  • pod_name: The name of the Pod.
  • container_name: The name of the container from the Pod.
  • host: The name of the host where the Pod is running on.
  • log: The complete log line as it was written by the container.


  • namespace='bookinfo' _and_ app='bookinfo' _and_ container_name='istio-proxy' _and_ content.upstream_cluster~'inbound.*': Select all inbound Istio logs from the bookinfo app in the bookinfo namespace.