The Prometheus plugin can be used to retrieve metrics from a configured Prometheus instance.
The following configuration can be used to access a Prometheus instance, which is running in the same cluster as kobs.
- name: Prometheus
description: Prometheus can be used for the metrics of your application.
address: http://prometheus.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9090
Field | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Name of the Prometheus instance. | Yes |
displayName | string | Name of the Prometheus as it is shown in the UI. | Yes |
description | string | Description of the Prometheus instance. | No |
home | boolean | When this is true the plugin will be added to the home page. |
No |
address | string | Address of the Prometheus instance. | Yes |
username | string | Username to access a Prometheus instance via basic authentication. | No |
password | string | Password to access a Prometheus instance via basic authentication. | No |
token | string | Token to access a Prometheus instance via token based authentication. | No |
The following options can be used for a panel with the Prometheus plugin:
Field | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | The type of the chart. Must be sparkline , line , area or table . |
Yes |
unit | string | An optional unit for the y axis of the chart. | No |
stacked | boolean | When this is true all time series in the chart will be stacked. |
No |
legend | string | The type which should be used for the legend. Currently only table and table-large is supported as legend. If the value is not set, no legend will be shown. |
No |
yAxis | yAxis | Set the scale of the y axis. | No |
mappings | map |
Specify value mappings for your data. Note: The value must be provided as string (e.g. "1": "Green" ). |
No |
queries | []Query | A list of queries, which are used to get the data for the chart. | Yes |
columns | []Column | A list of columns, which must be provided, when the type of the chart is table |
No |
The y axis can be customized for line and area charts. It is possible to use the min/max value of all returned time series or you can set a custom value. By default the scale of the y axis will be automatically determined.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
min | auto , min , number |
The minimum value for the y axis. This could be auto , min (minimum value accross all displayed metrics) or a custom number. The default is auto . |
No |
max | auto , max , number |
The minimum value for the y axis. This could be auto , max (maximum value accross all displayed metrics) or a custom number. The default is auto . |
No |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
query | string | The PromQL query. | Yes |
label | string | The label the results. The label can use the value of a variable or a label of the returned time series, e.g. {% .<prometheus-label> %} . If you want to use a Prometheus label make sure that the label name doesn't conflict with a variable name. |
Yes |
In sparkline
charts the label must not be provided. If the label is provided in a sparkline
chart the label will be displayed instead of the current value.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name of a column must be a returned label from the specified queries. To get the result of a query the special column value-N , where N is the index of the query. |
Yes |
header | string | An optional value for the header of the column. When this is not specified the name will be used as header for the column. | No |
unit | string | An optional unit for the column values. | No |
mappings | map |
Specify value mappings for the column. Note: The value must be provided as string (e.g. "1": "Green" ). |
No |
If the Prometheus plugin is used to set variables in a dashboard, the following options can be used.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | The query type to get the values for the variable. At the moment this must be labelValues |
Yes |
label | string | The Prometheus label which should be used to get the values for the variable. | Yes |
query | string | The PromQL query. | Yes |
allowAll | boolean | If this is set to true an additional option for the variable will be added, which contains all other values. |
No |
The following dashboard, shows the CPU and Memory usage of a selected Pod. When this dashboard is used in via a team or application, it is possible to set the namespace and a regular expression to pre select all the Pods. These values are then used to get the names of all Pods and a user can then select the name of a Pod via the var_pod
The dashboard only uses the Prometheus plugin to show the CPU Usage, Memory Usage, the Network Usage and some other information via different charts and tables.
kind: Dashboard
description: Resources Usage of Pods
- name: namespace
description: Namespace for the Pods
- name: pod
description: Pod selector
- name: var_pod
label: Pod
name: prometheus
type: labelValues
label: pod
query: container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}
allowAll: false
- size: 1
- title: CPU Usage
colSpan: 4
name: prometheus
type: sparkline
unit: Cores
- query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m]))
- title: Memory Usage
colSpan: 4
name: prometheus
type: sparkline
unit: MiB
- query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) / 1024 / 1024
- title: Restarts
colSpan: 4
name: prometheus
type: sparkline
- query: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}
- size: 3
- title: CPU Usage
colSpan: 6
name: prometheus
type: line
unit: Cores
legend: table
- label: "Usage: {% .container %}"
query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m])) by (container)
- label: "Request: {% .container %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container)
- label: "Limits: {% .container %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container)
- title: Memory Usage
colSpan: 6
name: prometheus
type: line
unit: MiB
legend: table
- label: "Usage: {% .container %}"
query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
- label: "Request: {% .container %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
- label: "Limits: {% .container %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
- title: Network
size: 3
- title: Bandwidth
colSpan: 12
name: prometheus
type: area
unit: bytes/s
- label: Received
query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod="{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- label: Transmitted
query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod="{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- title: Rate of Packets
colSpan: 6
name: prometheus
type: area
unit: bytes/s
- label: Received
query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- label: Transmitted
query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- title: Rate of Packets Dropped
colSpan: 6
name: prometheus
type: area
unit: bytes/s
- label: Received
query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- label: Transmitted
query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
- title: "Resource Usage for all Pods"
- title: Table
name: prometheus
type: table
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m])) by (pod)
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod)
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod)
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
- label: "{% .pod %}"
query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
- name: pod
title: Pod
- name: value-1
title: CPU Usage
unit: Cores
- name: value-2
title: CPU Requests
unit: Cores
- name: value-3
title: CPU Limits
unit: Cores
- name: value-4
title: Memory Usage
unit: MiB
- name: value-5
title: Memory Requests
unit: MiB
- name: value-6
title: Memory Limits
unit: MiB