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The Prometheus plugin can be used to retrieve metrics from a configured Prometheus instance.




The following configuration can be used to access a Prometheus instance, which is running in the same cluster as kobs.

    - name: Prometheus
      description: Prometheus can be used for the metrics of your application.
      address: http://prometheus.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9090
Field Type Description Required
name string Name of the Prometheus instance. Yes
displayName string Name of the Prometheus as it is shown in the UI. Yes
description string Description of the Prometheus instance. No
home boolean When this is true the plugin will be added to the home page. No
address string Address of the Prometheus instance. Yes
username string Username to access a Prometheus instance via basic authentication. No
password string Password to access a Prometheus instance via basic authentication. No
token string Token to access a Prometheus instance via token based authentication. No


The following options can be used for a panel with the Prometheus plugin:

Field Type Description Required
type string The type of the chart. Must be sparkline, line, area or table. Yes
unit string An optional unit for the y axis of the chart. No
stacked boolean When this is true all time series in the chart will be stacked. No
legend string The type which should be used for the legend. Currently only table and table-large is supported as legend. If the value is not set, no legend will be shown. No
yAxis yAxis Set the scale of the y axis. No
mappings map Specify value mappings for your data. Note: The value must be provided as string (e.g. "1": "Green"). No
queries []Query A list of queries, which are used to get the data for the chart. Yes
columns []Column A list of columns, which must be provided, when the type of the chart is table No


The y axis can be customized for line and area charts. It is possible to use the min/max value of all returned time series or you can set a custom value. By default the scale of the y axis will be automatically determined.

Field Type Description Required
min auto, min, number The minimum value for the y axis. This could be auto, min (minimum value accross all displayed metrics) or a custom number. The default is auto. No
max auto, max, number The minimum value for the y axis. This could be auto, max (maximum value accross all displayed metrics) or a custom number. The default is auto. No


Field Type Description Required
query string The PromQL query. Yes
label string The label the results. The label can use the value of a variable or a label of the returned time series, e.g. {% .<prometheus-label> %}. If you want to use a Prometheus label make sure that the label name doesn't conflict with a variable name. Yes


In sparkline charts the label must not be provided. If the label is provided in a sparkline chart the label will be displayed instead of the current value.


Field Type Description Required
name string The name of a column must be a returned label from the specified queries. To get the result of a query the special column value-N, where N is the index of the query. Yes
header string An optional value for the header of the column. When this is not specified the name will be used as header for the column. No
unit string An optional unit for the column values. No
mappings map Specify value mappings for the column. Note: The value must be provided as string (e.g. "1": "Green"). No


If the Prometheus plugin is used to set variables in a dashboard, the following options can be used.

Field Type Description Required
type string The query type to get the values for the variable. At the moment this must be labelValues Yes
label string The Prometheus label which should be used to get the values for the variable. Yes
query string The PromQL query. Yes
allowAll boolean If this is set to true an additional option for the variable will be added, which contains all other values. No


The following dashboard, shows the CPU and Memory usage of a selected Pod. When this dashboard is used in via a team or application, it is possible to set the namespace and a regular expression to pre select all the Pods. These values are then used to get the names of all Pods and a user can then select the name of a Pod via the var_pod variable.

The dashboard only uses the Prometheus plugin to show the CPU Usage, Memory Usage, the Network Usage and some other information via different charts and tables.

kind: Dashboard
  description: Resources Usage of Pods
    - name: namespace
      description: Namespace for the Pods
    - name: pod
      description: Pod selector
    - name: var_pod
      label: Pod
        name: prometheus
          type: labelValues
          label: pod
          query: container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}
          allowAll: false
    - size: 1
        - title: CPU Usage
          colSpan: 4
            name: prometheus
              type: sparkline
              unit: Cores
                - query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m]))
        - title: Memory Usage
          colSpan: 4
            name: prometheus
              type: sparkline
              unit: MiB
                - query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) / 1024 / 1024
        - title: Restarts
          colSpan: 4
            name: prometheus
              type: sparkline
                - query: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}
    - size: 3
        - title: CPU Usage
          colSpan: 6
            name: prometheus
              type: line
              unit: Cores
              legend: table
                - label: "Usage: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m])) by (container)
                - label: "Request: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container)
                - label: "Limits: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container)
        - title: Memory Usage
          colSpan: 6
            name: prometheus
              type: line
              unit: MiB
              legend: table
                - label: "Usage: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
                - label: "Request: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
                - label: "Limits: {% .container %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (container) / 1024 / 1024
    - title: Network
      size: 3
        - title: Bandwidth
          colSpan: 12
            name: prometheus
              type: area
              unit: bytes/s
                - label: Received
                  query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod="{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
                - label: Transmitted
                  query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod="{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
        - title: Rate of Packets
          colSpan: 6
            name: prometheus
              type: area
              unit: bytes/s
                - label: Received
                  query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
                - label: Transmitted
                  query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
        - title: Rate of Packets Dropped
          colSpan: 6
            name: prometheus
              type: area
              unit: bytes/s
                - label: Received
                  query: sum(irate(container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
                - label: Transmitted
                  query: -sum(irate(container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total{namespace=~"{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .var_pod %}"}[2m])) by (pod)
    - title: "Resource Usage for all Pods"
        - title: Table
            name: prometheus
              type: table
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{% .namespace %}", image!="", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}[2m])) by (pod)
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod)
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="cpu", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod)
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{% .namespace %}", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
                - label: "{% .pod %}"
                  query: sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{namespace="{% .namespace %}", resource="memory", pod=~"{% .pod %}", container!="POD", container!=""}) by (pod) / 1024 / 1024
                - name: pod
                  title: Pod
                - name: value-1
                  title: CPU Usage
                  unit: Cores
                - name: value-2
                  title: CPU Requests
                  unit: Cores
                - name: value-3
                  title: CPU Limits
                  unit: Cores
                - name: value-4
                  title: Memory Usage
                  unit: MiB
                - name: value-5
                  title: Memory Requests
                  unit: MiB
                - name: value-6
                  title: Memory Limits
                  unit: MiB