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Signal Sciences

The Signal Sciences plugin can be used to view sites, agents and requests from Signal Sciences within kobs.

Signal Sciences Overview


The Signal Sciences plugin can only be used within the hub. To use the Signal Sciences plugin the following configuration is needed:

Field Type Description Required
name string The name of the Signal Sciences plugin instance. Yes
type signalsciences The type for the Signal Sciences plugin. Yes
options.corpName string The name of your organization. Yes string The email address of a user to access the API. Yes
options.password string The token of a user to access the API. Yes
  - name: signalsciences
    type: signalsciences

Insight Options


The Signal Sciences plugin can not be used within the insights section of an application.

Variable Options


The Signal Sciences plugin can not be used to get a list of variable values.

Panel Options

The following options can be used for a panel with the Signal Sciences plugin:

Field Type Description Required
type string The type which should be used for the panel. Must be overview, requests or agents. Yes
site string If the type is requests or agents this is the site name for which the requests or agents should be shown. No
query string If the type is requests this is the query to filter the requests (Search Syntax). No


Signal Sciences Requests

Signal Sciences Agents