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Users are defined via the User Custom Resource Definition. Users can be used to define the username and password for the authentication of users, their permissions within kobs, navigation and dashboards.



In the following you can found the specification for the User CRD.

Field Type Description Required
id string The id of the authenticated user (e.g. the users email address). Yes
displayName string The name of the user, how it should be displayed in the frontend. No
password string The password of the user. A password could be generated using the following command htpasswd -nBC 10 "" | tr -d ':\n' No
teams []string A list of teams where the user is a member of. No
permissions Permissions Permissions for the user when the authentication / authorization middleware is enabled. No
dashboards []Dashboard A list of dashboards which will be shown on the users home page. No
navigation []Navigation A list of navigation items which will be shown in the sidebar. No


Field Type Description Required
applications []Application Define a list of application permissions, to specify which applications can be accessed by a user Yes
teams []string Define a list of teams (must match the corresponding group field of a team) which can be viewed by a user. The specifal character * can be used to allow a user to view all teams Yes
plugins []Plugin A list of plugins, which can be accessed by a user. Yes
resources []Resources A list of resources, which can be accessed by the user. Yes


Field Type Description Required
type string The type which should be used for the application permissions. This must be all to allow access to all applications, own to only allow access to applications owned by a team where the user is part of or custom to set the permissions based on satellites, clusters and namespaces. Yes
clusters []string A list of clusters from which applications can be accessed by the user, when the permission type is custom. The special character * can be used to include all clusters. No
namespaces []string A list of namespaces from which applications can be accessed by the user, when the permission type is custom. The special character * can be used to include all namespaces. No


Field Type Description Required
cluster string The cluster of the plugin instance, where it is configured. The special character * can be used to include all clusters. Yes
name string The name of the plugin instance as it is defined in the configuration. The special character * can be used to include all names. Yes
type string The type of the plugin instance as it is defined in the configuration. The special character * can be used to include all types. Yes
permissions any The permissions, which should be grant to a user. The format of this property is different for each plugin. You can find an example for each plugin on the corresponding plugin page in the documentation. No


Field Type Description Required
clusters []string A list of clusters to allow access to. The special list entry * allows access to all clusters. Yes
namespaces []string A list of namespaces to allow access to. The special list entry * allows access to all namespaces. Yes
resources []string A list of resources to allow access to. The special list entry * allows access to all resources. Yes
verbs []string A list of verbs to allow access to. The following verbs are possible: get, patch, post, delete and *. The special list entry * allows access for all verbs. Yes


The following strings can be used in the resources list: cronjobs, daemonsets, deployments, jobs, pods, replicasets, statefulsets, endpoints, horizontalpodautoscalers, ingresses, networkpolicies, services, configmaps, persistentvolumeclaims, persistentvolumes, poddisruptionbudgets, secrets, serviceaccounts, storageclasses, clusterrolebindings, clusterroles, rolebindings, roles, events, nodes.

The special terms pods/logs and pods/exec can be used to allow users to get the logs or a terminal for a Pod. To download / upload a file from / to a Pod a user also needs the pods/exec resource. The pods/logs and pods/exec permission can only be set together with the * value for the verbs parameter.

A Custom Resource can be specified in the following form <name>.<group>/<version> (e.g.

Field Type Description Required
name string The name of the navigation group as it is shown in the sidebar. No
items []Item A list of sidebar items which should be displayed within this group. No


Field Type Description Required
name string The name for navigation item as it is shown in the sidebar. Yes
icon string The icon which should be used for the sidebar item. Must be apps, barChart, dashboard, default, documentation, donutChart, grid, home, kubernetes, lineChart, list, pieChart, plugin, search, table, team, topology, user or widgets. No
link string The link which is opened when a user clicks on the sidebar item. No
page Page The page which should be opened when a user clicks on the sidebar item. No
items []SubItem A list of subitems when the sidebar item should not open a link or page and is used as an additional group. No


Field Type Description Required
name string The name for navigation item as it is shown in the sidebar. Yes
link string The link which is opened when a user clicks on the sidebar item. No
page Page The page which should be opened when a user clicks on the sidebar item. No


Field Type Description Required
title string The title of the page. Yes
description string A description of the page. Yes
dashboards []Dashboard A list of dashboards which will be shown on the page. Yes


In the CR defines that the user with the email can view all applications and teams. He can also view the Helm charts in the bookinfo and kobs namespace and can use the Opsgenie plugin. Besides that he can also list, edit and delete all resources in the bookinfo and kobs namespace.

The following CR defines a new user who can view all applications and teams and resources. The user also defines a custom home page and a custom navigation. A screenshot of the home page and sidebar navigation for this user can be found at the start of the page.

kind: User
  name: ricoberger
  namespace: kobs
  displayName: Rico Berger
  # password: admin
  password: $2y$10$GAzb7t1vqK0BYFQb84DnwuZx1TIIjEwMhMRjK0j6uv0B3djgWuSZu
      - type: all
      - "*"
      - cluster: "*"
        name: "*"
        type: "*"
      - clusters:
          - "*"
          - "*"
          - "*"
          - "*"
    - name: Home
        - name: Home
          icon: home
          link: "/"
        - name: Search
          icon: search
          link: "/search"
    - name: Resources
        - name: Applications
          icon: apps
          link: "/applications"
        - name: Topology
          icon: topology
          link: "/topology"
        - name: Teams
          icon: team
          link: "/teams"
        - name: Kubernetes Resources
          icon: kubernetes
          link: "/resources"
        - name: Plugins
          icon: plugin
          link: "/plugins"
    - name: Dashboards
        - name: Cluster Overview
          icon: dashboard
            - name: dev/de1
                title: dev/de1
                description: Cluster overview for the dev/de1 cluster
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: cluster-overview
                    title: Cluster Overview
                      cluster: dev/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: service-mesh-overview
                    title: Service Mesh Overview
                      cluster: dev/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: loadbalancer-overview
                    title: Load Balancer Overview
                      cluster: dev/de1
            - name: stage/de1
                title: stage/de1
                description: Cluster overview for the stage/de1 cluster
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: cluster-overview
                    title: Cluster Overview
                      cluster: stage/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: service-mesh-overview
                    title: Service Mesh Overview
                      cluster: stage/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: loadbalancer-overview
                    title: Load Balancer Overview
                      cluster: stage/de1
            - name: prod/de1
                title: prod/de1
                description: Cluster overview for the prod/de1 cluster
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: cluster-overview
                    title: Cluster Overview
                      cluster: prod/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: service-mesh-overview
                    title: Service Mesh Overview
                      cluster: prod/de1
                  - namespace: kobs
                    name: loadbalancer-overview
                    title: Load Balancer Overview
                      cluster: prod/de1
    - title: Home
        hideToolbar: true
          - autoHeight: false
              - title: Applications
                w: 6
                h: 19
                  type: core
                  name: applicationgroups
                      - namespace
                      - name
                x: 0
                'y': 0
              - title: Teams
                w: 6
                h: 5
                  type: core
                  name: teams
                x: 6
                'y': 0
              - description: ''
                  name: opsgenie
                  type: opsgenie
                  cluster: hub
                    type: incidents
                    interval: 31536000
                      - 'status: open'
                      - 'status: resolved'
                      - 'status: closed'
                title: Incidents
                h: 6
                w: 6
                x: 6
                'y': 5
              - description: ''
                  name: opsgenie
                  type: opsgenie
                  cluster: hub
                    type: alerts
                    interval: 31536000
                      - 'status: open AND responders: "Team Diablo"'
                title: Alerts
                h: 8
                w: 6
                x: 6
                'y': 11
            description: ''
            if: ''